15-112 Fundamentals of Programming
Notes - Lecture 4.1
Introduction to Event-Based Programming and Animations in Tkinter
Notes taken from
Event-Based Programming (Model-View-Controller or MVC)
- Tkinter owns the event loop. Your code does nothing until it is called, then it runs quickly and returns control back to Tkinter.
- When a mouse, keyboard, or timer event occurs, Tkinter calls the appropriate event handler function (mousePressed, keyPressed, timerFired), or controller, that you wrote.
- When called from Tkinter, your controllers modify the model (the values in data dictionary).
- Soon after that, Tkinter updates the view by calling your function redrawAll, which redraws the canvas (the view) based on the model (the values in data).
Elements of Event-Based Animations
- run(width, height)
written for you (so you just copy-paste from code provided for you) creates canvas and data; registers event handlers; calls init; starts timer; etc You call run() to start program
- init(data)
initialize values in data
- mousePressed(event, data)
extract mouse location via event.x, event.y; modify data based on mouse press location
- keyPressed(event, data)
extract char and/or keysym from event.char and event.keysym; modify data based on key pressed
- timerFired(event, data)
modify data based on elapsed time
- redrawAll(canvas, data)
redraw everything that needs to be drawn on the canvas using the values stored in data
Basic timer, mouse, keyboard events
One box falling
Multiple objects on screen
Raining circles
A more sophisticated example