15-112 Fundamentals of Programming

Homework 4.2

For this homework, there is no starter file. You have to create your own .py file and submit it to Autolab. You can take a previous starter file and modify it appropriately.

  • Please add your name, Andrew id, and section at the top of the file.
  • This homework will be manually graded.
  • You will be graded on style. You can lose up to 10 poins for style (out of 100 points). Please see here for the style rubric.
  • You may not use recursion, or any other constructs that we have not yet covered in class.
  • You will have 2 submissions on Autolab for this homework.
  • Questions

    1. First, carefully study the examples in the notes here. Make sure you understand how they work before starting the question below.

    2. Do playSudoku from here. Please ignore the comment about Basic Interactive Graphics and use the animation framework provided in the course notes. Follow the listed requirements closely. In addition to the listed requirements, you are also required to create a splash screen. The splash screen should contain two buttons: "Play Game", and "Help". If the user clicks the "Play Game" button, the game starts. If the user clicks the "Help" button, the help screen is displayed. In the help screen, you should have another button to go back. Note that buttons can be simulated by simply creating a rectangle on the canvas. Clicking the button means clicking inside the corresponding rectangle.

      The examples done in class will be very helpful for this question. Please study them carefully.

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